I am SO grateful that I have: 3 wonderful, healthy, children. They are all that I ever thought I wanted, and more than I ever could have hoped for. Nicky, Lyndzi and Kelsie never cease to amaze with their wit and wisdom and I am INCREDIBLY proud to be their mom.
When I'm with my kids, I remember to appreciate the simple pleasures and enjoy each and every moment.
I am most appreciative of my VERY messy, love filled, home. Though no picture will be provided as it is my VERY MESSY, love filled, home.
I am so blessed to enjoy the friendship of many thought provoking, entertaining, caring, men and women who challenge and inspire me daily and who lift me up when I am down. (And as I am so lucky, to have my cup runneth over with friends; there is just not enough room for all of the pix that I would want to include.)
I am thankful that "General Hospital" still thrills me the way it did when I was 11. (I know; it's sad - but a little escape never hurt anyone; except maybe "Nurse Betty.")
I am grateful for James Spader and the verbal feast that is "Boston Legal." Don't you just love a show that is smart AND daring? I don't even want to think about the fact that it's the last season (remember, I'm giving thanks for what I HAVE.)
I am ETERNALLY grateful for the gym; and to Michelle (...)K for encouraging me to sign up last February. I have now lost 33lbs (haven't weighed myself in a few weeks though;) and I feel GREAT!
You all know that I am EXTRAORDINARILY grateful that the people of America will be inauggurating President Elect Obama this January - Woohoo!! And I've already said ALL I need to say about that.
Materialistically speaking, I am crazy, thankful that I waited to buy a new purse. I had been carrying a white purse THAT I LOVED; well past Labor Day (and I was NOT happy about it,) but I couldn't find anything that I liked enough to put the out of season bag away. (That is an added perk to living in Arizona - the seasons aren't quite as binding and no one probably even noticed the passe white except me; I hope.) Nonetheless, when Rachel was here in October, we literally conducted purse quest. I came close to a purchase in Macy's when I found a Sunflower Yellow Kathy Van Zeeland purse that I fell in love with. Alas my wallet did not fall in love with it; as it was FAR out of my purse price range - so my quest continued. I bought a purse a few weeks ago, (after convincing myself that time was of the essence;) and then I promptly returned it a week later (I'd never used it.) I returned it to yet, another ROSS, hoping that I would see something new there and then much to my surprise I found a FANFRIGGINTASTIC, purple, Kathy Van Zeeland purse for only $39.99 and as if I didn't know it was MINE the minute I laid my eyes on it; when I turned it around, it had a little crown charm hanging off the zipper. Did that have my name on it or what? T he picture certainly does not due it justice; but I know that at least Rachel will want to see it...
1. Del Monte Fruit Naturals Red Grapefruit - I have NEVER really enjoyed grapefruit before but this grapefruit is sweet as can be (and a natural appetite suppressant.) OK, I'll say it... Yum-o!! Totally 2 thumbs up.
2. SaraLee Cheesecake bites -(Thanks Rachel.) These are not the Cheesecake squares you may be thinking of; but pop in your mouth little bites that come in a variety of flavors. They have about 18 calories per bite, so a serving of 5 is only 90 calories; and trust me when I tell you that 5 is sufficient if you find yourself with a sweet tooth or just needing a little smile. (At my Walmart they are under $4 per container)

Now I know that when I previously thought about doing this list, I had a lot more on it, then just food; so chances are we will be revisiting this topic again; but in the meantime I give you the biggest treat of them all:
4. A Smokin Travel Discount - OK, so let me tell you about this. For my job that actually pays me, I work for an internet travel consortium and they have established a Friends and Family website which means that any of MY friends and family can make reservations and A. Not pay a service fee (like ALL other sites) and B. (and this is the best part;) YOU'll get 5% commission on your booking. Now, we only do hotels, so I can't help you with a discount on airfare or cars; but we do sell hotels around the world and the prices are typically very good (before the kick back.) So if any of my friends or family are interested, please leave me a comment and I will be more than happy to give you the info to hook you up. Once you're done, you are going to get your own referral # and then each time you make a booking, you'll receive a check for 5% of the room revenue (room rate only, not tax.) after we receive the commission from the hotel. Now sometimes it does take MONTHS to collect the commissions; but rest assured, once we've received it; so will you.
I hope that some of these finds will make you as happy as they have made me; and if they do, please leave me a NICE, little comment.
I wish you all the Happiest of Thanksgivings (and as I've told you many,many,times - I am so thankful for the time that you take to read "The Bumpy Ride;" and that you give me the opportunity to share my thoughts, opinions, and mess ups.) I encourage you to be thankful for what YOU HAVE....
Till next time...