Tuesday, March 31, 2009
#5 - I Don't Think That I'm A Very Good Driver...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"Let me get this straight"
Enter - Spring Break, and my schedule goes out the window. So, last Monday I thought "if the kids sleep in, I can just work from 5-12 and be done for the day." I wanted to go to the gym, the library, Sam's Club, Fry's, Walmart and/or Target; and YES, I know that's a lot for one day; but that's how I roll. Queen of PACKING AS MUCH IN AS POSSIBLE; that's me!
As the morning started to pass by, I decided to re-evaluate my plan and make some slight modifications. I was going to postpone the gym till later in the day (which by the way, NEVER proves to be a good idea;) give the kids lunch and then go to the library. Since we had to be out and about, I told the kids that we could have lunch out. Nicky and Lyndzi both wanted Del Taco but Kelsie wanted a grilled cheese from Sonic, and as both are near the library (and by both are near the library I mean, I'm a sucker;) I agreed to go to 2 different places.
As we pulled in to the Del Taco shopping center, Kelsie noticed that there was a Subway and asked if she could have that instead. I explained that I wasn't getting Subway today because I had coupons for there but I didn't have them with me; and as Kelsie is the Queen of NOT TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER; she did her best to try to change my mind; but I stood my coupon loving ground; and pulled up to the Del Taco drive thru. As I was approaching the menu, I made the mistake of remembering, OUT LOUD; that I also had coupons for Del Taco, which of course, I'd forgotten; and Kelsie wasted no time before she said "So let me get this straight;" (and when a 5 year old starts off with "so let me get this straight; you KNOW you're in for some trouble.) "You don't have coupons for Subway; so I can't have Subway; but you don't have coupons for Del Taco and Nicky and Lyndzi can still have Del Taco?" Precocious little thing; isn't she? So what could I say but "well, you've got a point there; but that's just how it's got to be today." (But what I really wanted to say was "Yes, you've got that straight so just go ahead and add that to the list of complaints that you're going to be giving your therapist about in 20 years or so;" but she probably already made a mental note of it.) See what I mean; Kelsie's mind is like a steel trap; so half day kindergarten ~ I don't think so.
Anyway, I explained that even without a coupon Del Taco is still a lot less expensive than Subway; and then I bribed her by telling her that she could have a pretzel at Sam's Club.
We went to the library and discovered that Lyndzi had a sore throat. We ran a few errands but she just wasn't up for the big shopping fest that I'd had in mind; so we cut our day short, and I'm sure that I don't have to tell you, Kelsie reminded me about her pretzel quite emphatically. Again I had to let her down and explain that I wasn't going to Sam's because Lyndzi wasn't feeling well. I offered to ask Luis to stop at Sam's on his way home and she was appeased. OK; so why should this day have gone any way I planned? Although Luis always calls me on his way home; on this day he didn't and so he arrived home sans pretzel. I had plans to get a pedicure with my friend Arlene, so I didn't give Sam's another thought until my cell phone rang at 9pm and it was Kelsie asking if I'd gotten her pretzel. I gently told her no and promised that we could get it on Tuesday; which we did ~ OY!
Kelsie believes that she wants to be a "Dentist - girl" and a rock star which in and of itself is hysterical considering how I fear the dentist; but I think she'll have a real future as a litigator or an actress - the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree ya know.
Till next time...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Educating Arizona

As many of you know, the state of Arizona is scheduling MANY educational budget cuts for the 2009-2010 school year. Some of these cuts may mean the loss of over 400 teachers in the Peoria district alone. In addition, it means an increase in class sizes, the loss of junior high sports, and a possible loss of our specials classes (music, art and P.E.). Please join Sky View Staff this Saturday to distribute information to all Sky View parents and community members. Please bring your children to walk with us and show that education is important to Sky View!

This Saturday, March 7th, we, as a Sky View Staff and Community will be meeting at 8:30 a.m. Our agenda is to hand out flyers in the neighborhood, door-to-door, informing our parents and neighbors about the budget concerns. We will gather in the parking lot at Sky View.
Please plan to be there and donate one hour of your time for the sake of our Sky View children and Sky View staff who will suffer as a result of these potential cuts.

My name is Paige Ramos and I am a voter in your district. I am contacting you today as I am EXTREMELY concerned about the proposed budget cuts for education as I have 3 school age children.
At this time I would like to URGE you to allocate all of the money that we receive from President Obama's stimulus plan and apply it towards eduction; as I believe that the proposed budget cuts would be detrimental to my children's education; as well as to our economy, the future of educators and the future of our country. I myself have witnessed first hand the benefits of a full day kindergarten program as I spent time in both my 9 1/2 year old son's class when he attended a half day Kindergarten and my 7 year old daughter's class when she attended a full day last year. I can say factually that the difference in the class performance as a whole was astounding. My son was able to read when he finished kindergarten, but he was an exception; whereas, EVERY student in my daughter's class was reading by the end of the year. I also have a 5 year old daughter who due to a late birthday will attend Kindergarten next year, and I can tell you that a half a day program would be a great injustice to her. Unfortunately I am not in a financial position to afford the additional $250 a month that it would cost me to have her attend full day; and I'm certain that I am not alone in this situation.
I feel very fortunate to have my children attend Sky View elementary even though people say that schools in Arizona are not the best. I believe that my children have been receiving an excellent education from teacher's who care about them and serve each and every one. I fear that the proposed cuts will increase my children's class size which would have a profound effect on the teacher's ability to function as effectively as they have been.
If you ask ANYONE in this country, they will tell you that teacher's are underpaid. We should be insuring that people who choose to serve our children and our community are not penalized for this choice but rewarded. They should be making a lot more money than what they do; not be threatened with making less money and possibly losing their jobs.
Just as we have spent money to install all those photo radars; which in addition to saving lives, generate a lot of revenue for our city; we should be investing in education; as the children ARE our future, but they need to be thought of RIGHT NOW!
I implore you (fill in name here,) when you are voting on budget cuts to education, think of the children whose lives you are effecting. Think of the long term effects that limiting educational services will have on our state, and our country. If there is a legislator out there who is not convinced that all day kindergarten is a necessity or a worthwhile program; then I suggest that they spend some time with the children whose lives you will be changing forever. I encourage you to sit in on a first grade class that has eighteen students, and then visit another that has 26 and tell me that you don't recognize a great disparity in the progress of the children in the smaller class. . I invite you to attend a class with Project Ideal students; and see for yourselves what our gifted children are capable of; as one day they might cure cancer, or find a way to establish world peace or balance the budget. Our gifted children (my son included) look forward to attending Project Ideal; where they're being taught critical thinking skills and have studied subject matter that would never have been offered to them in a traditional 3rd or 4th grade class.
Yesterday I walked door to door with my daughter's first grade teacher, and attended a meeting with our school's political action representative. I was moved to tears over their concern for our children, their concern for their co-workers and the LACK of concern of our Legislators. I implore you (fill in name here,) contact me if you have NO doubts about voting to cut the budget; because I welcome the opportunity to change your mind.
Paige Ramos
Mother of Nicolas (9 1/2,) Lyndzi (7) and Kelsie (5)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon - Challenge #1

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
100 Random Things About Me

8. ABBA music makes me happy!!
26. I ALWAYS wake up in a good mood and raring to go - NO matter how tired I am.

53. I have NEVER watched an episode of Star Trek.
54. I think Rachel Kaufman is a marvel. Her entrepenaurial spirit is contagious.
60. I love Olives - ALL kinds.
65. Every day I try to be a better person.
80. I should have changed my major from Pre-Law to English and NOT Sociology / Criminal Justice.

So there you have it. What more can I say ~ REALLY? I know that these tidbits may seem rather self-indulgent, but I guess that's why it's MY blog. Although as I've said a million times before, I am EVER so grateful to those of you who chose to read it. And EVEN more grateful to those of you who tell your friends about it. LOL