This year, I've discovered:
1. Change is good. Change can often be scary; but if things always stayed the same, they would never grow.
2. You HAVE to be true to yourself. Everyone has their own path, and you and only you, are responsible for yours.
3. Age is just a number. You're as young as you feel and you should never let your age stop you in any way.
4. I am strong. I have strength of character, and strength of mind. I am strong in my commitments and my values; and I am getting stronger every day.
5. Family! I have found cousins that I never really knew; and I am so ecstatic to have them in my life.
6. I have made a difference. By reconnecting with some of the girls that I worked with when I was a Social worker; I now know that my efforts were appreciated; and meaningful.
7. I have a lot left to do. I have not nearly reached my potential, as a wife, a mom, a friend, a writer a person.
8. Reciprocity is crucial. Life is a two way street, and even though you may be accustomed to always being the person who does or gives; you also HAVE to let others do for you.
9. Karma! It's the guiding force behind (say it with me,) "The greater good."
10. It's OK to ask for what you need. I've never really been good at this. And I know that just because you ask for something, doesn't mean that you're going to get it; but certainly if you don't ask; you're assured not to get it. And so, once again, I'm going to ask for your help...
This post is number 157 of 366 and number 294 for all time. Hard to believe; I KNOW. And as we all know; I still have a long way to go, at least to get to July 29, 2011. So with that being said; once again I would like to take a grassroots stab at increasing my readership; and this is where you come in. If you enjoy "The Bumpy Ride," and believe that my messages and stories are those that others would enjoy or benefit from; PLEASE share me with a friend. I'm ASKING that you tell at least two friends about "The Bumpy Ride," in the hopes that they will join me on a regular basis and tell two more friends, etc. etc.
Now sometimes, telling someone about something isn't enough; you have to show them, SO in keeping with my Ten for 10' theme, I'm going to provide the names and links for the ten posts that I think were my best of 2010. Then you can just forward this blog onto your friends, with suggested reading built right on; OR, you can copy and past one of the posts into an email, so they can read me for themselves; PLEASE!!
Ten For 10':
My Something Special
A Gift Horse Tale
The Dirty Word
What A Mom's Gotta Do
Red - A Retrospective
The Protectors
What You Choose To Believe
A Blueprint for a B.F.F
There are so many ways for people to join "The Bumpy Ride." If they visit my blog itself; they can sign up to have "The Bumpy Ride" emailed to them each time there's a new post. If they're on Facebook, they can sign up on Networkedblogs, and follow me that way; or they can sign up through Google reader. Let us not forget, they can also show their support by joining The Bumpy Ride Fan Club, on Facebook. I'm starting to feel like a bit of a broken record; BUT, if I don't ask you; then you won't know that I need your help; and boy, do I NEED your help.
Well, that's it for me. I'm so pleased with how this year has gone. Even though it hasn't always been easy; it's ALWAYS been worth it. I'm so excited to see what 2011 holds in store for us all. I wish you love, peace and good health.
Till next year...