OK, so just as "The Bumpy Ride" is NOT becoming a scrapbooking only blog; it's also NOT becoming an Obama rally; however, I do feel duty bound to inform you when I hear things that are so INCREDIBLY scary and WRONG, since; aha, say it with me "I'm all about the greater good."
Tonight I HAVE to write about Sen McCain and Gov Palin - each laughable in their own right; but both should be ASHAMED of themselves. Let's start with the Maverick himself. Today Sen McCain was being interviewed by a Spanish media station (In order to appeal to Latino voters.) The interview was conducted in English and the Senator was asked if he was President, would he be willing to meet with the Prime Minister of Spain. (He was asked this because Prime Minister Zapatero had pulled his troops out of Iraq.) McCain responded that he thought he would be willing to meet with any Latin American country, that was a part of NATO. Hmm, Call Jeff Foxworthy, because I've got a new show for him, it's not smarter that a 5th grader; it's smarter than a 4th grader - which I guess McCain is not; because when we asked Nicky, even he knew that Spain is in EUROPE, NOT Latin America. The interviewer politely informed McCain that Spain is a Latin country but it's not in Latin America, and he just started talking about meeting with Pres. Calderone of Mexico. OK, well, I guess to McCain all Latin speaking countries are one in the same; ALL Mexico! Umm, excuse me Mr. Foreign Policy expert, but there's a continent called Europe, and THAT happens to be where Spain is Maverick. Foreign Policy - Umm, maybe not.
Now as pathetic as that was; what I've heard about the illustrious Governor is far, far worse. According to Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) - When Sarah Palin was the Mayor of Wasilla, she charged sexual assault victims for the swab kits and forensic exams needed to gather evidence for prosecuting their assaulters. It was reported that Wasilla was the ONLY city in Alaska to do this; and by doing so she was essentially charging rape victims to investigate their own rapes. Additionally, Sarah Palin claims that she did not fire Walt Monegan because he wouldn't fire her brother-in-law; SHE claims that she fired him because he was seeking federal money to investigate the worst cases of sexual abuse in the state; including sex crimes against children.
OK, do we REALLY need to hear any more? These two are LIARS. They lie just for the hell of it; like Palin telling the people of Ohio that during her speech at the Republican convention her teleprompter broke, and she just had to speak from her heart, and she looked out and the people who were sitting right in front of her were the people of Ohio, so she just "spoke to Ohio;" MM, , nice story, BUT that didn't happen. The press that were there could SEE her teleprompter, from where they were sitting and they have confirmed that, um, yah, NEVER happened. She read off the teleprompter the entire time; and was Ohio sitting in front of her - NOPE. They have also lied about the size of the crowds that are attending their rallies. Yup, McCain said he had 23,000 people at a rally the other day as told to him by the Fire Marshall; but the Fire Marshall reported that he never spoke to McCain and IN FACT, the crowd was about 8,000. C'mon guys; you do the math - 8,000; 23,000 Not quite the same thing. He reported 10,000 at a Palin rally the other day and the venue only accommodates 3,500. OK, so MAYBE size DOES matter. And speaking of liars; the first Dude, (as he calls himself)Todd Palin had gone on and on at the Republican convention about how his wife had done no wrong (in Troopergate) and he'd be happy to tell any court so - yah, until he gets subpoenaed; and then what happened? Well, MUM was the word.
Do I REALLY need to tell you anymore? Please think on this, and make the ONLY choice that makes sense. VOTE OBAMA / BIDEN.
Luis was telling me tonight about some uninformed people from his job, who were pro-Republican; but weren't going to vote. I told him that was good, because we A - didn't need uninformed people voting; and B - if you're not voting for Obama but you DON'T vote for McCain either - that's OK.
To quote Rachel (and maybe she's not he first to have said it; but it was the first time I heard it) PLEASE BaRock the vote.
Till next time...
BUT can Sarah "In what respect, Cherlie?" Palin actually SEE Spain from her backyard? If so, that's all they need to know about foreign policy, don'tcha know? If America votes these imbeciles into office it will only be a matter of time before the White House is a double wide on cinder blocks. You KNOW McCain is at death's doorstep, so guess WHO is gonna be the leader of the greatest counrty in the free world if this team gets voted in? Then we will all be paying for our rape kits and probably our own CSI team when a loved one goes missing or gets murdered. DONT GET ME STARTED!!! Please, America, don't be fools - just because they are fun to imitate on SNL - DONT VOTE THE REPUBLICANS INTO OFFICE!! We will all live to regret it.
The thing that scares me is how to get through to swing state voters...my crazy mother is voting for McCain, but who cares; because of the electoral college, her ridiculous vote in NY doesn't matter. But what about Ohio, etc...I am anxious...
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