Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Lord Giveth...

And the Lord Taketh Away.
The other day I received my (I don't know what #) invitation from a friend to join Facebook. Luis was out at the movies and I needed a little break from my garage sale prep; so I joined up. Within 24 hours I had reconnected with some old friends from High School and years gone by - so I was pretty excited.

Facebook is a lot of fun; AND it's especially fun because you can also make new friends; and guess who my NEW friend is? OK, I know most of you (not including the ones who already know or are on Facebook) have given up; so I'll tell ya... It's MAKS. Yup; you read that right. Maks from "Dancing With The Stars" is my friend. If you go on my Facebook page - "Paige Howell Ramos" You'll see him there - Tee Hee And every time he posts new pics - I'll see them (AHHHH!) Yes, Oh yes; I KNOW I have a problem (maybe this should have been a "You know you have a problem blog...") but he is my guilty pleasure - I just CAN'T help it.

Anyway; because Jackie was in the entertainment business, she has a few "friends" on Facebook who are actors, and ultimately she became friends with Maks, so I thought I'd throw caution to the wind, and see if he wanted to be my friend too. He confirmed; but honestly, he has about 2000 friends, so I think he confirms EVERYONE. Nonetheless, I was so excited to have such access to him (one might say I was blissful - just don't say it to Luis - haha, no, he already knows.) But, then it happened... yes, just as I was enjoying my state of euphoria; Lesa called to warn me that she'd heard that Misty May-Treanor (Mak's partner this season) had been injured and she was going to have to leave the show. SAY IT ISN'T SO! But, unfortunately; it is. SO you know what that means. No more 2 nights a week of Maks. My eye candy is gone; (at least until a pro number, group number or next season - which just isn't enough for me, I tell ya.) Well, at least I have my FRIEND, and all the glorious pictures that he posts.
See what I mean, The Lord giveth; and the lord taketh away.
Till next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wahahaha! you're so funny, paige! but yeah, I get ya :)